Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hope is a Mystery

Continuing with the Colossians saga, it is remarkable to read how Paul addressed them as saints, faithful, loving towards one another, growing faith, bearing fruit, displaying love in the Spirit in contrast to the formerly alienated, hostile, evil deeds kind of people. Something changed deep down in them as it did in me.

It reminds me of the movie "Shakespeare in Love", in which amazingly a midst the chaos of the story, things work out, and when asked how a particular situation resolved itself  Philip Henslowe  (actor Geoffrey Rush) would respond -I don't know, it is a mystery.

Likewise, the transaction between us and Christ continues to be mysterious -things happen somewhere in the soul that no human eye can see, a drastic change inside clearly evident in the outside.

New by Gigi C.H.
His life for ours,  His forgiveness for our trash, His Spirit for our emptiness, His power for our weaknesses, His love for our hate, His companionship for our loneliness. 

And the promise of a home in heaven...sweet
I guess we could call this hope.

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