Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hope Floats -Like the Movie

hopelessness punched me in the chest and to the floor I went. It was almost a knockout but the thing is, even though on my knees and gasping for air,  hope had a grip on my soul that wouldn't  let go.
I recalled what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians -Christ in me the hope of glory.
I don't fully understand this mystery, but its effective and soothing and calming.  This hope is always churning and despite the hits,  it surfaces to the top -as the movie title "Hope Floats". So true...and then we can walk again and smile and live.

My heart still hurts, but Paul,  instructed us to look up -not with my neck but with my heart, knowing that in Jesus Christ all things hold together -from universes and galaxies to nations and kingdoms, peoples and microscopic cells and atoms and my broken heart and my son James.

Yes, He is holding James and this is a hope I can hold on to, a hope that rises amid the storms of life and will not sink.


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