Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I am so good with planning, schedules, habits…They are so good and predictable and safe and orderly… but, as soon as I figure out a little formula in my relationship with Dad, He changes the numbers, scrambles the order, moves things around, left me to figure out the new equation where He is the only constant.
Funny but not funny as I have spend so much time an effort into a steady structure of communing with God, only to realize that Jesus’s life in me does not flow as in an power generation schedule in a dam, it just flows. His life in me, mine in His abiding -through the day, through the seasons, through the changes, when life is good or turns out gray and sad …the flow never stops. 

Life is hectict at home lately. Whatever habits and set times formed are gone so today I venture to find Him in the unpredictable and yes -I will find the constant again!

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